Tuesday, December 15, 2009

this week at guelph skiing

I sent you this week's schedule by email. Here's the email message again:

This is another "maintain your fitness" week as you fit some maintenance and refreshment training into your study schedule. Think of all the time you're saving not going to class.
You will look for snow when you get home on the weekend and start in earnest logging the kilometers. Some of you had a taste at Highlands last Sunday what you are preparing for.
This is your "pre-competition phase" of training where the focus turns first to transitioning to snow skiing, then increasing the intensity to race conditions.

Tonight's workout will be similar to last Tuesday:

* run to Centennial hill to warmup, movement prep
* one set of plyos, just for maintenance
* run to Municipal St hill
* 5-5 Z3-Z4 ski bounding with poles
* run home

The running between stadium, Centennial and Municipal is part of the workout.

I will not be able to attend the practice - please choose a leader.

Coach Richard

- And gain is gain, however small.
-- Robert Browning

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